3D objects.

For the most part these are objects that I made for use in one or more of my own scenes. A lot of them have been made available before through Terragen 2 forums or user groups but some are published here for the first time.

They are made to Real World scale (One TG2 unit = one metre), most use procedural materials many of which will need to be modified if the objects are scaled. Bitmap textures; if used are included with the object. Some but not all include documentation giving hints on their use.


These objects are licensed for personal, non-commercial use only. If you do use them please credit Mr_Lamppost and if possible include a link to where you obtained them.

The part about linking to where you got the object is important as there is nothing more annoying than reading that an object was used if there are no clues where to obtain a copy for yourself.

In no special order; although that may change as the list grows.

Basic Bush Pack

Basic Grass Pack

21 generic non species specific bush models in.tgo format ready to use.

Preview of the Basic Bush Pack.

24 grass models; long grass, shorter lush grass and large grass patches.

Preview of the Basic Grass Pack.
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Rough Tufty Grass

Glowing Piri balls

Low polygon rough grass.

Preview of rough grass.

Alien Tree Pack - Glowing Piri balls.

Preview of alien tree Pack.
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Stick Figure

Scale Grid Pack

Simple stick figure 1.8m tall.

Preview of the simple Stick Figure.

A set of reference grids against which imported objects may be compared.

The 1 metre scale grid, links to the guides section.
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50s Rocket

Gaudi Tower

A 1950s style rocket from the classic days of Science Fiction.

Preview of the 1950s rocket

Large organic tower.

Preview of Gaudi style tower.
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Beach Umbrellas

Standing Stone

Large beach umbrellas.

Preview of large beach umbrellas.

An ancient standing stone.

Preview of the standing stone.
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